The Meals on Wheels Program enables the elderly, the sick, and the disabled to remain in their own homes with help from people who care. Through Meals on Wheels, home-delivered meals are provided to persons who are unable to prepare their own meals and are at risk of going to a nursing home. Meals are nutritionally balanced, created for good taste, healthy portions and specific health needs in mind.
Our program is part of a Kenosha area work group focused on decreasing hospital admissions and re-admissions. Our data analysis supports what we know to be true – that Meals on Wheels helps seniors by providing proper nutrition and safety checks while reducing isolation.
People who receive Meals on Wheels services get nutritious hot meals delivered directly to their homes by friendly volunteers. That daily contact with our volunteers provides social contact for many who may feel isolated or lonely. The contact also provides a daily well check for that person, ensuring they are well and can continue to live in their home.
Meals on Wheels is available all throughout Kenosha County.
Eligibility Requirements
Anyone age 60 or older qualifies for Meals on Wheels.
Call 262-658-0237 or email Rhonda Beucher at [email protected]Â for more information.