Community Update: KAFASI’s Home Repair Program & The Home Depot Foundation

Published On: December 22nd, 2023

Kenosha Area Family and Aging Services, Inc (KAFASI) through our Home Repair Program in affiliation with Meals on Wheels America, has created a relationship with The Home Depot Foundation and through this relationship, it has allowed us to provide safe and comfortable housing for our Seniors and Veterans alike. From roof repairs to Installing new flooring, to prevent trip and fall hazards, and constructing wheelchair ramps to provide more accessible and independent living. It has allowed us to continue to offer service repairs to the homes of our Seniors and Veterans that we serve through our Home Repair Program.

As Partnerships have been our theme, we have an Amazing partnership with our great friends Habitat for Humanity of Kenosha whose contractors go out and complete the repairs for us.

The Helping Homebound Heroes grant program is made possible through Meals on Wheels America’s ongoing partnership with The Home Depot Foundation and has been a longtime flagship initiative in-home safety strategy for Veterans. The purpose of the program is to honor those who have served their country while providing much-needed home modifications and/or repairs to support the safety of Meals on Wheels veteran clients. Through this partnership, Home Depot pays off the mortgage of five veterans’ families nationally. Through a recent process, a family that we have completed work on their home was identified as a candidate for their mortgage payoff. A synopsis had to be written as to why we recommend this family who are both Army veterans, and Mary Lindqvist who oversees the Home Repair Program wrote a very convincing letter. We are excited to share that this family (Gloria and Cleveland Pierce) right here in Kenosha, WI was chosen for this award for their Home Mortgage payoff, and while there they were surprised with another $5,000 for additional home renovations! Big things can happen at small organizations that have a passion to Serve and Partner!

KAFASI is Community

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